Foal (ages 3-4; t-ball)
1. Coaches on both teams should assist and encourage all players on both teams.
2. Games will be played to three innings or one hour, whichever comes first.
3. Foal playing fields will be set up in accordance with PONY recommendations where possible: 50 feet between bases; 38 feet from home plate to pitching rubber. In addition to standard foul lines and batters boxes, an arc will be inscribed 10’ in front of home plate from the first to third base lines.
4. All batters will hit from a tee placed on home plate. There is no swing limit.
5. The player’s coach will call foul balls at their discretion, including swings that contact the tee or batted balls that do not pass the 10’ arc in fair territory.
6. Once the ball is put in play, the coach will remove the tee to allow runners to cross the plate.
7. On each hit, base runners may advance only one base.
8. Base runners will remain on base as if they reached base successfully regardless of the defensive play made.
9. A double-base will be used at first base. The batter runner must touch the outer bag to be considered safe at first; the defense must touch the inner bag to record an out. Once on base, the runner may start from the inner bag as they prepare to advance to second base.
10.All players on a team will bat in rotation each inning. The batting order should be changed each inning. On the final batter of the inning, all runners will advance to home.
11.All players will play defense each inning. Five players will be positioned in the infield, including a defensive pitcher. The remaining players must be distributed in the outfield. Outfielders must start behind the grass line when the ball is hit.
12.Teams are not permitted to utilize a defensive catcher.
13.Teams are encouraged to rotate defensive positions frequently (i.e. mid-inning) without delaying the game.
14.There is no limit to the number of coaches permitted on the field during the game to offer support and instruction. Coaches should make an effort to minimize physically assisting runners or fielders.
15.There will be no makeup for games rained out.
16.Plastic/rubber cleated shoes are permitted. Metal cleats are not permitted.
17.All bats must be USA or USSSA approved.
18.Sliding is allowed provided the runner does not make contact with the defensive player.
19.Base runners may not leave base until a batted ball is put into play.
20.Moving to the big league: as the Foal division is designed to serve as the introductory level, a player who quickly shows during the season or during preseason practices that they are ready to start transitioning to coach-pitch may be traded to a Shetland division team, provided the coach, the Foal director, and the parents agree that it is in the best interest of the player. If this move takes place prior to June 1, a $45 upgrade fee will be assessed. This is equal to the difference in registration fees between the Foal and Shetland divisions